Monday, 8 May 2017

Reflective Blog

This semester is coming to an end and it feels like it went past so fast. I really liked this module and especially the concept of blogging. It has been a nice way of weekly reflect on your work and progress. I am now almost finished with my individual report and I have received the grade on our group work. I was a little bit disappointed of our group. I felt that we could have achived more. It is hard to get five people together and create someting that you all will be satisfied with. 

I have been present and engaged in this module and I feel that I have learned a lot. I will now focus on the last part before summer and really try to give it my all. 

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Lecture 9

I could not make it to the seminar this Friday. I had to fly home for easter a few days earlier because of a family emergency. I talked to my friend and she gave me an update on the lecture and seminar. The lecture was about security within information systems, I am waiting until the slides will come up on VLE so I can read them. 

I have also gone through the Access activity that was given in the seminar. 

Friday, 24 March 2017

Lecture 8

I did not make it to the lecture today. I have been sick for the last 3 days so I just did not have the energy unfortunately. Me and my team in MIS decided to record our video today, so of course I did not let my group down and we presented the presentation today. 

I think the presentation went well, but I am a perfectionist so I really hope we did better than just good! After we recorded the video I went to the seminar even though I did not feel that well. In the seminar we worked on a program called Access. I think it was fun to try a different program than excel! And I think I understood the program, it felt good. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

Lecture 7

Todays lecture went past pretty fast. We talked about big data, what that is och how we use it. I thought this lecture was a little bit too fast, but I got most of it! 

In the seminar we did an excel practice about scenarios, it was kind of fun because I really understood it! We also got some time to work on the assignment which was needed. I am a little bit nervous how the assignment is going to turn out because I really want a good grade, but I think it is going to turn out great!  

Friday, 10 March 2017

Lecture 6

In todays lecture we talk a lot about the group assignment and I think that was really good. We needed to hear exactly what we need to do and we could ask questions about our concerns. Today in the seminar I talked to my group and  I think we are on the right track with our presentation. 

In the seminar we have worked in excel and I am starting to be able to use the formulas pretty well.I wish we had a little bit more time to work with the assignment though. 

Monday, 6 March 2017

Lecture 5

The lecture today was intresting. We had a guest lecturer and I really liked him. He had really good knowledge in his area and he was really good at speaking in front of an audience. 

He talked about how different manegers act within a business and so on, I found that really interesting and it was a really fun subject to discuss in a big group. 

I was not abel to make it to the seminar because I was not feeling good. I talked to my group so I am up to speed with our group work. 

Friday, 24 February 2017

Lecture 4

In todays seminar we worked with excel again and it feels like I am starting to understand it more, and that feels really good! The lecture was a bit messy today, people were talking a bit to much so it was pretty hard to concentrate, but I was listening and I understood what he was talking about! 

I think we should work more with the group work. I will text my group next week and arrange a meeting so we can start working together! 

Friday, 17 February 2017

Lecture 3 

I was really enjoying todays lecture. Our guest speakers were really good and I was really interesting to hear about the company Bizzie Bodies. She was really inspiring because she is really good at her job and it will be really funny to work with her company. 

Our other guest speaker talked about academic conduct which I found interesting to hear about, I think it is really stupid of people to steal other peoples work. 

Friday, 10 February 2017

Lecture 2 

This lecture was really interesting. We talked about different organizations and how they work. I think the slides of the power point was really well structured and they were easy to understand. We had some good discussions among everyone and I think everyone was engaged and interested. 

I think it is really interesting to learn more about the structures within a company and the different levels. I will use that in the future. 

Friday, 3 February 2017

Lecture 1 

I think todays lecture was really interesting. I have learned a lot about how we use technology in our society, and how we use them in business.  I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks and to learn more about this subject. This is information I can use in my future career and in my every day life as well. 

It will also be interesting to see how my group is going to work together. I think it will be fun and we will get a really good video out of all the work we will put in!